
To view our membership pricing, request our Starter Kit! Below, you will find our visitor sign-up options. 

  • Two Week Trial

    15 days


    All Programs

    $39.95 Select
  • Stunt Training


    1 sessions

    $10.00 Select
  • Drop In


    1 sessions

    All Programs

    $35.00 Select
  • Sunday Open Mat


    1 sessions / week

    FREE Select
  • Bring a Friend Day


    1 sessions

    All Programs

    FREE Select

Additional Terms/Fees

Adult Judo Program (21+): AJM strives to be a safe space for all students to train. To do this, we require current background checks for all members 18 years of age or older. A background check must be completed through USA Judo within 14 days of sign-up. Only serious crimes of moral turpitude will preclude someone from membership at AJM. All results are kept confidential, and background checks from other entities cannot be accepted. 

Acceptance to Kids Program (5+): Admission to Kids program is based on an evaluation of the child’s behavior in class and interest. Children must be able to pay attention and behave in a manner that will not disrupt or distract the class. Behavior issues will be addressed with the child and parent; if multiple steps are taken without resolution, membership could be canceled if the behavior does not improve. Additionally, AJM is not equipped to teach children with severe mental or physical handicaps and thus cannot enroll them into the program.

CC Processing Fee: Small business costs continue to increase (rent, utilities, accepting card payments, and more). We want to provide you with the best experience, and also need to cover our operating costs by charging a small 2.5% fee with cards. If you’d like to bypass the credit card fee, you are welcome to link directly to your bank account for direct debit for no additional fee. To do this, go into your profile and select billing > payment methods > add a payment method > bank debit.

Family Memberships: We offer discounts for additional family members. Stop by our front desk if you are interested in signing up  with our "Additional Family Member" discount. 

Judo Gis: A Gi is required to train at AJM, and prices vary by size and brand. Gis are not mandatory during the 2-week trial. Talk to our front desk about our Gi options in-house or where to find one online. 

Auto-renewal: For your convenience and the convenience of the admin staff, AJM memberships are set to auto-renewal. Monthly memberships will renew on the same day every month (i.e., membership begins on June 12th and renews on July 12th). Class Punch Passes end after 3 months.

Membership Cancelation: Monthly memberships canceled within the first six months of sign-up are subject to a penalty. After that first six months, the membership is on a month-to-month basis.  Thirty days written notice is required for cancellation at any point.

Contact Us!

Contact Us!

Have questions about our schedule or memberships? Reach out and someone will get back to you within 24 hours. 

Thanks for reaching out to AJM! Someone from the dojo will reach back out soon.